Tandy Leather Factory, Inc. (NASDAQ:TLF) Files An 8-K Results of Operations and Financial Condition
Item 2.02. Results of Operations and Financial Condition
Tandy Leather Factory, Inc. (NASDAQ:TLF) Files An 8-K Results of Operations and Financial Condition
Item 2.02. Results of Operations and Financial Condition
About Tandy Leather Factory, Inc. (NASDAQ:TLF)
Tandy Leather Factory, Inc. is a retailer and a wholesale distributor of a range of leather and related products. The Company’s products include leather, leatherworking tools, buckles and adornments for belts, leather dyes and finishes, saddle and tack hardware, and do-it-yourself kits. The Company also manufactures leather lacing and some of its do-it-yourself kits. The Company operates through three segments: Wholesale Leathercraft, Retail Leathercraft and International Leathercraft. The Wholesale Leathercraft segment consists of a chain of wholesale stores operating under the name, The Leather Factory, located in North America. The Retail Leathercraft segment consists of a chain of retail stores operating under the name, Tandy Leather Company, located in North America. The International Leathercraft segment sells to both wholesale and retail customers. The Company has approximately four stores, two located in the United Kingdom, one located in Australia and one located in Spain.