Health Discovery Corporation (OTCMKTS:HDVY) Files An 8-K Other Events


Health Discovery Corporation (OTCMKTS:HDVY) Files An 8-K Other Events
Item 8.01 Other Events.

About Health Discovery Corporation (OTCMKTS:HDVY)

Health Discovery Corporation (HDC) is a machine learning company that uses mathematical techniques to analyze data to uncover patterns that might otherwise be undetectable. The Company operates primarily in the field of molecular diagnostics where such tools are used for scientific discovery. Its Support Vector Machine (SVM) assets in particular have applicability in various other fields. HDC’s joint venture, SVM Capital, LLC (SVM Capital), applies SVM technology to the financial markets. The Company’s principal asset is its intellectual property, which includes mathematical algorithms called SVM and Fractal Genomic Modeling (FGM), as well as biomarkers that the Company has developed by applying its SVM and FGM techniques to genetic and proteomic data. It also owns the assets of Fractal Genomics, LLC, a company with FGM software. The FGM data analysis technique enables the mapping of genetic pathways involved in the diagnosis and prevention of certain diseases.