EXTREME NETWORKS, INC. (NASDAQ:EXTR) Files An 8-K Financial Statements and Exhibits


EXTREME NETWORKS, INC. (NASDAQ:EXTR) Files An 8-K Financial Statements and Exhibits
Item 9.01 of Form8-K, and this amendment should be read in conjunction with the Original 8-K. Except as set forth herein, no modifications have been made to information contained in the Original 8-K, and the Company has not updated any information contained therein to reflect events that have occurred since the date of the Original 8-K.

Item 9.01.

Financial Statements and Exhibits.


Financial Statements of Business Acquired.

The Special Purpose Combined Statements of Assets to be Acquired and Liabilities to be Assumed and Special Purpose Combined Statements of Revenues and Direct Expenses for the fiscal years ended September 30, 2016 and 2015, (audited) and for the 6-month periods ended March 31, 2017 and 2016, (unaudited), were filed as Exhibits 99.1 and 99.2, to the current report on Form 8-K by the Company on July 18, 2017, and are incorporated herein by reference.


Pro Forma Financial Information.

Unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information with respect to the Company’s purchase of the fabric-based secure networking solutions and network security solutions business of Avaya Inc. is filed as Exhibit99.1 to this report and incorporated herein by reference.



EX-99.1 2 extr-ex991_18.htm EX-99.1 extr-ex991_18.htm Exhibit 99.1     UNAUDITED PRO FORMA CONDENSED COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS On July 14,…
To view the full exhibit click here


Extreme Networks, Inc. is a provider of network infrastructure equipment. The Company markets its products to business, governmental, healthcare, service provider and educational customers with a focus on corporate enterprises and metropolitan service providers on a global basis. The Company operates through the development and marketing of network infrastructure equipment segment. The Company’s products include ExtremeWireless, ExtremeSwitching, ExtremeControl, ExtremeManagement, ExtremeCloud, ExtremeAnalytics and ExtremeSecurity. The Company offers solutions in categories, which includes industry solutions, technology solutions and managed services solutions. The Company operates in three geographical areas: Americas, which includes the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America and South America; EMEA, which includes Europe, Russia, Middle East and Africa, and APAC, which includes Asia Pacific, South Asia, India, Australia and Japan.