The stock of Paypal Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:PYPL) closed at $68.86 gaining 1.59% in yesterday’s trading session. This company is currently focusing on creating a more inclusive workforce. It has succeeded at increasing the number of women at the vice-president level in the company by 20%.
Dan Schulman, the company’s president and CEO believes that as a company they still have much left to accomplish. However, he is proud of how far they have come and adds that the future looks bright.
Women constitute about 43% of PayPal’s total workforce according to reports. This is a lower figure as compared to last year. However, there have been slight gains among women in the leadership ranks. Women have taken up about 36% of the leadership roles whereas they constitute 25% of the technical roles.
There were some slight increases in the percentage of leadership roles among the Asian, Hispanic and other employees. However, the number of black leaders did not change at all. The money transfer company says it is proud that it has been able to achieve the global gender pay equity and ethnic pay equity to all its employees in the US.
Schulman believes that there shouldn’t be any pay parity discrepancies and won’t accommodate such even in years to come. It is hard to understand what he means by this, because all employees typically earn slightly different wages. At the moment, minorities and women are holding five of the 11 board of director seats.
Schulman opined, “Another very important part of this, for me personally, was that we set examples by leading at the very top of our company. The fierce competition around the globe is a challenge to us and we are willing to make all the necessary changes in order to remain relevant in the market.”