DESTINATION XL GROUP, INC. (NASDAQ:DXLG) Files An 8-K Results of Operations and Financial Condition
Item 2.02 Results of Operations and Financial Condition.
On August 27, 2020, Destination XL Group, Inc. (the “Company”) issued a press release announcing the Company’s operating results for the second quarter of fiscal 2020. A copy of this press release is furnished herewith as Exhibit 99.1.
An audio webcast to discuss the Company’s operating results for the second quarter of fiscal 2020 will be held today, August 27, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. ET. Interested parties can access the webcast on the Company\’s website at www.dxl.com under the Investor Relations section.
Item 9.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits.
(d) Exhibits
EX-99.1 2 dxlg-ex991_6.htm EX-99.1 PRESS RELEASE DATED AUGUST 27,…
To view the full exhibit click here
Destination XL Group, Inc. is a specialty retailer of men’s apparel with retail and direct operations in the United States and London, England. The Company operates through the Big & Tall Men’s Apparel segment. The Company operates under the trade names of Destination XL, DXL, Casual Male XL, Casual Male XL outlets, DXL outlets, Rochester Clothing, ShoesXL and LivingXL. The Company operates approximately 170 Destination XL stores, 125 Casual Male XL retail stores, 40 Casual Male XL outlet stores, nine DXL outlet stores and five Rochester Clothing stores. Its direct business includes its DestinationXL.com and bigandtall.com e-commerce sites, which support its stores, brands and product extensions. Through its multiple brands, which include both branded apparel and private-label, the Company offers a range of merchandise. The Company carries various designer brands, including Cole Haan, Allen Edmonds, Timberland, Calvin Klein, Lacoste, Donald J. Pliner and Bruno Magli.