Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) has plans to make its super fast internet service Google Fiber even faster.
Google Fiber is already at the top of the list of the fastest and most reliable internet services, and the firm is planning to make the service 1,000 times faster still. This means Google Fiber might be the first internet service to feature speeds at Terabits per second, but it seems like a highly ambitious project. Nonetheless, the firm has been known to venture into unchartered territories, and this is just another challenge that the company wants to venture into.
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One has to wonder whether it is even possible to have internet speeds that fast and the kind of processing power that can handle such workloads. Google recently advertised a job vacancy for a photonics engineer who will be involved in research and development towards the project. Google Fiber currently reaches speeds above 1 Gigabit per second which is almost 100 times faster than the basic megabit speeds offered by other companies.
The company has already introduced the service in numerous states and towns. Google also announced that Portland will be the next city to benefit from the Google Fiber expansion thanks to a deal struck with Pacific Power and Portland General Electric. The firm has been contemplating the launch of its fiber service in the city for quite some time, but efforts have been hindered by legal issues. So far, the company has launched in nine cities, and it has 11 more cities in its launch plans.
Google Fiber has become a darling to many because of its fast internet speeds combined with fair pricing. The recent job post does not directly talk about terabit speeds, but it is hinted and implied in Silicon Valley fashion. The fact that the company is planning to do research on terabit speeds also doesn’t guarantee that it will become a reality very soon. The project might take years to perfect and even longer to implement if successful.