Small businesses are increasing losing their faith in the Presidential candidates, reports a survey from On Deck Capital Inc (NYSE:ONDK). The small business lender took to Facebook to survey nearly 531 small business owners about their opinion on the presidential candidates.
Shocking revelations
OnDeck is surveying the small business owners for the second time since its last such survey in fall. While comparing the results of these two surveys, it can be said that the outlook for the presidential candidates is only deteriorating among the small business entrepreneurs. The results drew the shocking conclusion that as many as 34% of the respondents are unhappy with the current candidates, a number that has surged from 25% since last fall survey results.
The sharp drop in confidence among the small business owners should matter the most to the presidential candidates given the fact that this fragment of business fraternity actively participates in the electoral process. Every nine of 10 small business owners had reportedly voted during the last election and thus, waning of confidence could cost presidential candidates dearly.
Why small businesses matters?
At the same time, it is not possible to overlook the support that small business owners lend to the election process. For instance, OnDeck’s survey accounted 95% of the registered voters while three of 10 respondents had made a donation to either a Republican candidate or a Democrat during the last election. Meanwhile, nearly 25% of the respondents have already made donations during the start of the election season.
As far as the expectations are concerned then the survey reveals that nearly 67% of respondents want the candidates to address economic growth. Simultaneously, 46% of the respondents want tax policies to improve while 35% of them are concerned about the healthcare costs.
These results send out a strong signal to presidential candidates that ignoring small business needs might not prove wise for them.