TransDigm Group Incorporated (NYSE:TDG) Files An 8-K Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


TransDigm Group Incorporated (NYSE:TDG) Files An 8-K Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
Item 5.07 regarding the frequency of future non-binding, advisory votes on executive compensation (“say on pay votes”). The sole purpose of this Amendment is to disclose the Company’s decision as to how frequently the Company will submit future say on pay votes for consideration by shareholders. No other changes are being made to the Original 8-K.

Item 5.07

Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

As reported in the Original 8-K, a plurality of the shares voting at the Annual Meeting on the non-binding advisory vote on the frequency of future say on pay votes voted for the Company to hold such votes on an annual basis. In light of this result and other factors considered by the Board of Directors, the Board has determined that the Company will hold future say on pay votes on an annual basis until the next required non-binding advisory vote on the frequency of say on pay votes.

About TransDigm Group Incorporated (NYSE:TDG)

TransDigm Group Incorporated is a designer, producer and supplier of engineered aircraft components for use on commercial and military aircraft in service. The Company operates through three segments: Power & Control, Airframe and Non-aviation. The Power & Control segment includes operations that primarily develop, produce and market systems and components that provide power to or control power of the aircraft utilizing electronic, fluid, power and mechanical motion control technologies. The Airframe segment includes operations that primarily develop and market systems and components that are used in non-power airframe applications utilizing airframe and cabin structure technologies. The Non-aviation segment includes operations that primarily develop, produce and market products for non-aviation markets. Its product offerings include mechanical/electro-mechanical actuators and controls, engineered latching and locking devices, and seat belts and safety restraints.