MKS INSTRUMENTS, INC. (NASDAQ:MKSI) Files An 8-K Financial Statements and ExhibitsItem 9.01
MKS INSTRUMENTS INC ExhibitEX-99.1 2 d640927dex991.htm EX-99.1 EX-99.1 Town Hall with ESI Employees MKS Overview and Update on Announced ESI Acquisition 1 November 2018 Exhibit 99.1 Safe Harbor for Forward Looking Statements Statements in this presentation regarding the proposed transaction between MKS Instruments,…To view the full exhibit click here
MKS Instruments, Inc. (MKS) is a provider of instruments, subsystems and process control solutions that measures, controls, powers, monitors and analyzes critical parameters of advanced manufacturing processes to improve process performance and productivity. The Company operates through segments, including Advanced Manufacturing Capital Equipment, which includes the development, manufacturing and sales of instruments, control and vacuum products, power and reactive gas products; Global Service, which includes the worldwide servicing of instruments, control and vacuum products, power and reactive gas products and certain other product groups; Asia Region Sales, which includes sales of products that are re-sold from the Advanced Manufacturing Capital Equipment and Other segments into Asia regions, and Other. The Company groups its products into three groups, including instruments, control and vacuum products; power and reactive gas products, and analytical solutions group products.