FFI Holdings PLC (LON:FFI) had its Buy rating reiterated by Liberum Capital


Analyst Ratings For FFI Holdings PLC (LON:FFI)

Today, Liberum Capital reiterated its Buy rating on FFI Holdings PLC (LON:FFI).

There are 1 Buy Ratings, no Strong Buy Ratings, no Sell Ratings, no Hold Ratings on the stock.

The current consensus rating on FFI Holdings PLC (LON:FFI) is Buy with a consensus target price of GBX 91 per share, a potential .

Some recent analyst ratings include

  • 12/19/2018-FFI Holdings PLC (LON:FFI) had its Buy rating reiterated by Liberum Capital

    About FFI Holdings PLC (LON:FFI)
    FFI Holdings PLC provides completion contracts to the entertainment industry for films, television, mini-series, and streaming products worldwide. The company offers the financiers of film and television productions with contracts that such productions will be completed on time, on budget, and to a basic pre-agreed specification. It also provides film editing services; and postproduction equipment rental and software services for film makers. The company was founded in 1950 and is headquartered in Los Angeles, California.

    Recent Trading Activity for FFI Holdings PLC (LON:FFI)
    Shares of FFI Holdings PLC closed the previous trading session at 29.80 −1.20 3.87% with shares trading hands.