EYEGATE PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (NASDAQ:EYEG) Files An 8-K Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


EYEGATE PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (NASDAQ:EYEG) Files An 8-K Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security

On June 21, 2017, EyeGate Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (the Company)
held its 2017 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the Annual
Meeting). At the Annual Meeting, the Companys stockholders voted
on the following proposals:

(i) the election of three Class II Directors for a three-year
term, such term to continue until the Companys annual meeting of
stockholders in 2020 and until such Directors successors are duly
elected and qualified or until their earlier resignation or

(ii) the ratification of the appointment of EisnerAmper LLP as
the Companys independent registered public accounting firm for
the fiscal year ending December 31, 2017;

(iii) the approval of an amendment to the Companys 2014 Employee
Stock Purchase Plan to increase the maximum number of shares
authorized for issuance thereunder by 100,000 shares; and

(iv) the approval of an amendment to the Companys 2014 Equity
Incentive Plan to increase the maximum number of shares
authorized for issuance thereunder by 250,000 shares.

The voting results are reported below.

Proposal 1 Election of Directors

Thomas E. Hancock, Praveen Tyle and Dr. Morton F. Goldberg were
elected as Class II Directors for a three-year term, such term to
continue until the annual meeting of stockholders in 2020 and
until such Directors successors are duly elected and qualified or
until their earlier resignation or removal. Due to the plurality
election, votes could only be cast in favor of or withheld from
the nominee and thus votes against were not applicable. The
results of the election were as follows:

Name VotesFor Votes Withheld Broker Non-Votes
Thomas E. Hancock 4,269,679 96,391 3,025,783
Praveen Tyle 4,268,180 97,890 3,025,783
Dr. Morton F. Goldberg 4,318,928 47,142 3,025,783

Proposal 2 Ratification of the Appointment of
EisnerAmper LLP

The appointment of EisnerAmper LLP as the Companys independent
registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
December31, 2017 was ratified. There were no broker non-votes on
this proposal. The results of the vote were as follows:

Votes For VotesAgainst VotesAbstained
7,097,296 139,022 155,535

Proposal 3 Approval of Amendment to 2014 Employee
Stock Purchase Plan

The amendment of the Companys 2014 Employee Stock Purchase Plan
to increase the maximum number of shares authorized for issuance
thereunder by 100,000 shares was approved. The results of the
vote were as follows:

Votes For VotesAgainst VotesAbstained Broker Non-Votes
4,285,293 60,969 19,808 3,025,783

Proposal 4 Approval of Amendment to 2014 Equity
Incentive Plan

The amendment of the Companys 2014 Equity Incentive Plan to
increase the maximum number of shares authorized for issuance
thereunder by 250,000 shares was approved. The results of the
vote were as follows:

Votes For VotesAgainst VotesAbstained Broker Non-Votes
4,213,782 131,702 20,586 3,025,783


Eyegate Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a clinical-stage specialty pharmaceutical company. The Company is focused on developing and commercializing therapeutics and drug delivery systems for treating diseases of the eye. The Company’s lead product, EGP-437, incorporates a reformulated topically active corticosteroid, dexamethasone phosphate, which is delivered into the ocular tissues through its drug delivery system, the EyeGate II Delivery System. The Company is developing EGP-437 for the treatment of various inflammatory conditions of the eye, including uveitis, a debilitating form of intraocular inflammation of the anterior portion of the uvea, such as the iris and/or ciliary body, and macular edema, an abnormal thickening of the macula associated with the accumulation of excess fluids in the extracellular space of the neurosensory retina. The EyeGate II Delivery System is designed to deliver optimal quantities of drugs to the anterior or posterior segments of the eye.