The Coca-Cola Co (NYSE:KO) and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE:WMT) have decided to take down a display of stacked up Coke Zero cases built to resemble the Twin towers that were brought down during the 9/11 attacks.
A Walmart store in Florida thought that it would be a good idea to make the displays using two columns made of Coke Zero boxes in memory of the twin towers that were attacked by terrorists. The store had also stacked other boxes behind the two columns to resemble the American flag. Unfortunately for Walmart, the display ended up rubbing people the wrong way as it is a reminder of an event that most Americans if not all would like to forget.
Coca-Cola has decided that it would be a good idea to remove the display because it was provoking a lot of controversies and negative reactions from people. The display was set up a few days ahead of the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks which will be on Sunday. A spokeswoman for the company stated that the display was an idea that was brought up by the firm’s local bottling partner.
“This display was meant to honor local firefighters and to support their organization’s upcoming event. We sincerely apologize that anyone was offended or misunderstood its intent, and we have replaced the display,” said the spokeswoman.
“We hold this moment in our country’s history in the highest regard, and there was nothing disrespectful intended by the display being assembled. It was removed from our Florida store Wednesday,”stated a spokesman for Walmart expressing the company’s apology for the display.
A lot of comments about the display have been circulating on social media expressing disappointment over the display. Some are angry at the two companies for using the display as a way of cashing in from 9/11. As for Walmart and Coca-Cola, they now know better than to provoke sensitivity over such matters. However, the firms maintain that they did not intend to provoke negative reactions through the display.
The Coca-Cola closed out yesterday’s trading session at $43.63 per share, down 0.02% whereas Walmart closed out at $71.8, down 0.32%.