CHRISTOPHER & BANKS CORPORATION (NYSE:CBK) Files An 8-K Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
EX-10.1 2 tm2011649d1_ex10-1.htm EXHIBIT 10.1 Exhibit 10.1 EXECUTION Third AMENDMENT TO SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED CREDIT AGREEMENT This THIRD AMENDMENT TO SECOND Amended and restated CREDIT AGREEMENT dated as of February 27,…
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Christopher & Banks Corporation is a national specialty retailer featuring private-brand women’s apparel and accessories. The Company offers its customers an assortment of clothing for everyday needs. Its merchandise assortments include designs of women’s apparel, generally consisting of casual clothing, everyday basics, wear-to-work, leisure/active wear, and sleepwear in missy, petite and women sizes. The Company also offers a selection of jewelry and accessories, including footwear. The Company operates in the Retail Operations segment, which includes the operation of its retail stores, outlet stores, online and mobile. The Retail Operations segment includes activities generated by the Company’s retail store locations (Missy Petite Women (MPW), Outlet stores, Christopher & Banks (CB), and C.J. Banks (CJ)), as well as the e-commerce business. Its merchandise is developed for women of all sizes, age 40 and older.