BLUE CAPITAL REINSURANCE HOLDINGS LTD. (NYSE:BCRH) Files An 8-K Results of Operations and Financial Condition
Item 2.02 >Results of Operations and Financial Condition.
BLUE CAPITAL REINSURANCE HOLDINGS LTD. (NYSE:BCRH) Files An 8-K Results of Operations and Financial Condition
Item 2.02 >Results of Operations and Financial Condition.
Blue Capital Reinsurance Holdings Ltd. provides collateralized reinsurance in the property catastrophe market and invests in various insurance-linked securities. The Company conducts its operations through its subsidiaries, including Blue Capital Re Ltd. (Blue Capital Re), which provides collateralized reinsurance, and Blue Capital Re ILS Ltd. (Blue Capital Re ILS), which conducts hedging and other investment activities. Blue Capital Re provides reinsurance to third-party insurance and reinsurance companies through reinsurance contracts, either directly with the cedant or on a fronted basis. Blue Capital Re ILS may purchase catastrophe bonds to access certain risks. Blue Capital Re or Blue Capital Re ILS may buy and sell industry loss warranties as a way to access certain risks. Blue Capital Re ILS’ portfolio may include over-the-counter or exchange-traded futures or options listed on catastrophe indexes, such as catastrophe or weather derivatives.