BlackBerry Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) has announced that it has made significant progress towards integrating its BES 12 enterprise mobility system with Good Technology and WatchDox.
The company’s goal with the integration is to introduce a content management solution that is available across multiple platforms. The company revealed that it will release an updated version of BES 12 in the next few weeks. The updated version will be called BES 12.5, and it will grant managers the ability to safely manage mobile estates at application, content and device levels. The firm stated that the technology will be available on a secure platform.
Blackberry’s AtHoc division launched a new version of its crisis communication software on Monday. The new software is capable of helping organizations manage on-site emergencies through automated guidelines that eliminate the slow conventional approaches. The system can promptly send alerts and emails to the correct subjects. The company plans to incorporate some of the services offered by its AtHoc platform into the Good Dynamics platform. It will also offer alternative billing solutions together with Blackberry WorkLife.
Blackberry value added solutions and enterprise product vice president Billy Ho stated that the Good secure EMM suites will offer flexibility to clients. This will be possible thanks to the portfolio changes that were recently introduced so that policies and security can be introduced through numerous file layers, applications, networks and devices. Good Technology offers mobile management while WatchDox provides document security. Blackberry acquired the two firms in 2015, and it began to roll out BES 12 updates that would support the two in January.
BES 12.5 will allow complete and smooth integration of the services offered through the Good secure EMM suites. The BES 12.5 platform promises to offer tighter security and Blackberry is also working on an AtHoc mobile app that targets the secure mobility platform offered by Good Dynamics. It will be available by the beginning of August, and it aims to make the user experience simpler while at the same time allowing crisis communications to be accessed directly from the user’s device.