Axcelis Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:ACLS) revealed on Wednesday that it has received the first order for its proprietary extended energy range offering for the Purion XE, the Purion EXE—available in 200mm and 300mm configurations. The deliveries of 200mm Purion EXE to the Asian Pacific region are expected to be completed in the second quarter.
What the Purion EXE means for Axcelis Technologies
The Purion EXE will primarily aid the production of specialty devices, meeting the heightened demand with today’s internet of things (IoT) generation. John Aldeborgh, Axcelis Technologies Customer Operations Executive Vice President expressed the company’s excitement to further improve its ultra-high energy implants. Aldeborgh reiterated that the Purion XE platform is currently in a strong position today as the implants grow in the specialty device industry.
Similarly, Bill Bintz, Axcelis Technologies Engineering and Marketing EVP, said that the Purion XE platform has paved way for the company’s enhanced product line.
First Quarter Results
Earlier this month, the Massachusetts-based company also released its first quarter results for the current fiscal year (FY). Axcelis Technologies reported a total revenue of $67.50 million, which is significantly above expectations. However, it is slightly lower than the $70.50 million revenue reported during the previous quarter. For the period, the company had a net income of $1.90 million, which is equivalent to an earnings per share (EPS) of $0.02. This, on the other hand, is significantly better than the net income of $800,000, which is equivalent to an EPS of $0.01, during the previous period.
For the current period ending on June 30, the company is anticipating a revenue of about $60 million. Operating profit, meanwhile, is expected to come at around $1 million to $2 million. The company also gave a gross margin guidance range of about 30%.