Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) has introduced some major changes to Google Maps with the aim of making it easier especially for long distance travelers.
Justin O’Beirne, who is one of the engineers working on Google Maps, revealed some of the changes including a drastic reduction of the number of cities that will appear on the maps. Mr. O’Beirne also stated that they have significantly increased the number of roads that appear on the maps. The new changes are designed to give Google Maps a less cluttered appearance making it easier and more appealing for travelers to use the service.
Mr. O’Beirne who is a former employee of Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) also happens to be an author and his work is mostly centered on digital maps including the work and skill that goes into the making of maps. He is supposed to launch a book on maps later on this year. The former Apple employee posted side by side screenshots of the new Google Maps and the 2010 version in one of the company’s blogs. The images demonstrate visible changes that have been in the works.
The new maps app has clearly taken up a new approach where it focuses on including as many roads as possible rather than including as many towns and cities as possible. O’Beirne also believes that the changes were also included to focus on mobile phones because the use of Google Maps skyrocketed as smartphones became more popular. As a result, the app became more used on mobile than on desktops, thus the need to include changes that support the best view on mobile devices.
There are some other additional features such access to contacts and the addresses attached to those contacts in the “Your Places” section. This means users can use Google Maps to find the addresses of their friends without having to go to back to Contacts. Users also have the option to add images to their Local Guides. The features will be available in version 9.25.1 which will soon be available in the Play Store.