Samsung Electronics Co Ltd (KRX:005930) has initiated the roll out of Android-powered Samsung web browser version 4. This version has been based on Samsung desire to create a browser, which offers ease of use, functionality and compatibility. This web browser can be found in latest Galaxy smartphones with Android Lollipop and phablets.
The release of version 4 is aimed at changing the mentality of users toward considering Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL)’s Google Chrome as the most appropriate web browser. In most instances regardless of how capable, well featured and easy-to-use a browser is, most people are always oriented to disregard it and use Google Chrome. Samsung version 4 has been developed such that when users first use it, they get hooked and stick around.
Version 4 presents polished codes and the ability of the web browser to integrate with extra sensors in a user’s phone e.g. biometrics. It also has an increased level of accuracy for rendering and has received an extensive workout in virtual reality, development and privacy. Privacy has included support for content and an ad blocking plugin.
Samsung always tries to make privacy one of the essential features in their phones. It offers two approaches to privacy. It has introduced Ad blocking plugins, which will work with the browser. Since Samsung does not have its own plugins, their browser will have similar technologies to other browsers. The private feature allows users to browse without having their cookies, passwords or other information saved.
Samsung is working with web standards with the aim of ensuring a capable and highly compatible browser that will be termed as the best breed by the developers. It outscores current mobile browsers on the HTML5 compatibility test from World Wide Web Consortium. It also has a full implementation of the Service Worker API, which allows a better experience when browsing in poor connectivity alongside providing access to the back-end of an operating system for tools
Samsung is working on its own Gear Virtual Reality. This will use version 4.0 of Samsung Browser and provide immersive internet experience, seamless connectivity and also sharing of users information