5 Ways Technology Is Making Future Education Better


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Technological trends have transformed even the minutest aspect of our lives today. Ostensibly, the focus has shifted to education. However, the big question is, “will the teachers manage to tap into the digital revolution, adapt and help student exploit their potential?” 

The tech innovations come in a full package. They are easy to understand and assimilate, and thus offer a great tool that can change and make education even better. Below are some of the positive implications that tag along as a result of the arrival of technology in schools.


Even though they are yet to break through, most schools have adopted the use of chatbots. They are tools designed to simplify the engagement between students/teachers and a computer. Chatbots provide space learning intervals. They emphasize the use of repetition and algorithm to optimize the student’s ability to memorize what’s taught in class.

What’s more, this technology eases the teacher’s ability to give feedback to the pupils’ test. In the past, teachers had to spend a substantial amount of time marking papers. Nowadays, chatbots have eased the test result feedback process, and everything gets done quickly. Assignments and tests can be graded faster and correctly, with approximately 92% accuracy index.

Chatbots have played a significant role in arming teachers with a tool to foster more engaging learning. At the same time, they ensure students gain literacy at their own pace.


Even though we are not officially there, technology has already transformed the role of educators into tech teachers. At the moment, you don’t need an actual teacher to know some educational formulas or concepts unless.

Most students have access to phones and internet infrastructure, which permits quick access to information. All you need is to visit google scholar or other essential education apps for a piece of critical information at any time. It helps in researching, completing assignments, and improving skills such as writing. Want to be a good essay writer UK? Accessing and reviewing scholarly articles online can be a good start.

Also, several applications dispense knowledge to students in video form. For example, apps such as VidLab can be used to access a vital concept from the internet whenever a student needs help.

Video Chats and Learning

Even though video learning may not be viewed as innovative, it is a crucial element more so when it comes to personalized learning. The incorporation of video learning into the curriculum is a fantastic feat, and most institutions are adopting the use of such a technology.

In the classroom, not all students are the same. Some are slow learners, while others are fast-paced learners. Therefore, creating a video session with the slow-paced learners is beneficial. It helps them to understand the concept swiftly.

On the other hand, the use of videos has gained use in most institutions during this modern age. Most professors issue essays and other assignment prompts in the form of a video requiring the students to extract their content from the film. 

Artificial Intelligence

In the education setting, artificial intelligence typically means the process of identifying what an individual student does and doesn’t know. After understanding such elements, the educator comes up with a personalized curricular to cater to the underlying student.

The Duolingo AI-powered education platform is one of the most notable education tools that has revamped students’ ability to learn ‘language.’ The app encountered 50 million instances of download and installation in the year 2018. 

Such apps challenge the traditional learning notion that holds that being in-attendance in class is crucial. Currently, spending 34 hours while using the Duolingo language apps is equal to spending a whole semester in traditional learning. AI-driven education apps play a more significant role in dispensing a learning skill or knowledge to a student far away from an actual classroom.

Online Group Collaborations

The cyber-world has enhanced the concept of group study. Nowadays, pupils do not need to meet physically to hold a discussion; online collaboration platforms have made things easier. Apart from chatting and holding discussions, students can use the platforms to share notes and documents. Therefore, when they are assigned a group project, they work on it fast and properly.


Technological wave is moving at a breathtaking pace, and no single sector is willing to be left behind, not even education. The tech revolution has created new dawn in the education sector by bringing innovations, such as chatbots and educational apps. They aim at steering artificial intelligence, which enhances the achievement of learning outcomes.