UNION PACIFIC CORPORATION (NYSE:UNP) Files An 8-K Results of Operations and Financial Condition
Item 2.02 Results of Operations and Financial Condition.
On January 24, 2019, Union Pacific Corporation issued a press release announcing its financial results for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2018.A copy of the press release is furnished herewith as Exhibit 99.1 to this Current Report on Form 8-K and is incorporated herein by reference.
Item 9.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits.
99.1Press Release of Union Pacific Corporation, dated January 24, 2019, announcing its financial results for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2018.
EX-99.1 2 unp-20190124xex99_1.htm EX-99.1 Ex 991 Q4 Exhibit 99.1 Union Pacific Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2018 Results FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Omaha,…
To view the full exhibit click here
Union Pacific Corporation operates through its principal operating company, Union Pacific Railroad Company. Union Pacific Railroad Company links approximately 20 states in the western two-thirds of the country by rail, providing link in the supply chain. The Company’s business mix includes agricultural products, automotive, chemicals, coal, industrial products and intermodal. The Company operates from West Coast and Gulf Coast ports to eastern gateways, connects with Canada’s rail systems and serves approximately six Mexico gateways. The Company is a Class I railroad operating in the United States. The Company’s network includes approximately 32,080 route miles, linking Pacific Coast and Gulf Coast ports with the Midwest and Eastern United States gateways and providing several corridors to Mexican gateways. The Company owns approximately 26,060 miles and operates on the remainder pursuant to trackage rights or leases.