TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (NYSE:TYL) Files An 8-K Results of Operations and Financial Condition
Item 2.02 Results of Operations and Financial Condition >
EX-99.1 2 a991earningsrelease3312019.htm EXHIBIT 99.1 Exhibit Tyler Technologies Reports Earnings for First Quarter 2019 Subscription revenues grew 37% as bookings rose 17%PLANO,…
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Tyler Technologies, Inc. is a provider of information management solutions and services for the public sector, with a focus on local governments. The Company provides professional information technology (IT) services to its clients, including software and hardware installation, data conversion, training and product modifications. It operates through two segments: The Enterprise Software Solutions segment, which provides municipal and county governments and schools with software systems and services for information technology and automation needs that includes back-office functions, such as financial management, courts and justice processes, planning regulatory and maintenance, and land and vital records management, and The Appraisal and Tax Software Solutions and Services segment, which provides systems and software that automate the appraisal and assessment of real and personal property, as well as property appraisal outsourcing services for local governments and taxing authorities.