TRI Pointe Group, Inc. (NYSE:TPH) Files An 8-K Results of Operations and Financial Condition
Item 2.02
TRI Pointe Group, Inc. (NYSE:TPH) Files An 8-K Results of Operations and Financial Condition
Item 2.02
About TRI Pointe Group, Inc. (NYSE:TPH)
TRI Pointe Group, Inc. is a homebuilder company. The Company’s operations are organized in two principal businesses, including homebuilding and financial services. The Company’s homebuilding operation consists of six segments: Maracay Homes, including operations in Arizona; Pardee Homes, consisting of operations in California and Nevada; Quadrant Homes, consisting of operations in Washington; Trendmaker Homes, consisting of operations in Texas; TRI Pointe Homes, consisting of operations in California and Colorado, and Winchester Homes, consisting of operations in Maryland and Virginia. Its financial services operation includes mortgage financing operations and title services operations. The Company’s mortgage financing operation (TRI Pointe Connect) provides mortgage financing to its homebuyers in all of its operated markets. Its title services operation (TRI Pointe Assurance) provides title examinations for its homebuyers in its Trendmaker Homes and Winchester Homes brands.