TimefireVR Inc. (OTCMKTS:TFVR) Files An 8-K Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

TimefireVR Inc. (OTCMKTS:TFVR) Files An 8-K Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

TimefireVR Inc. (OTCMKTS:TFVR) Files An 8-K Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
Item 5.07 Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

On November 29, 2018, TimefireVR Inc. (the “Company”) held the Company’s Annual Meeting. As of October 5, 2018, the record date for a determination of shareholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting, there were 235,460,470 shares of the Company’s common stock outstanding. Additionally, subject to a total 9.99% ownership limitation, the holders of the Company’s Series E Preferred Stock (the “Series E”) were entitled to cast the number of pro-rata votes per share as were equal to the number of shares of common stock into which their Series E were convertible on the Record Date which added an additional 7,501,600 votes bringing the total outstanding voting power to 242,962,070. A total of 210,663,864 votes were present in person or by proxy thereby constituting a quorum.

The matters voted upon at the Annual Meeting, and the number of votes cast for or against/withheld, as well as the number of abstentions and broker non-votes, as to such matters, where applicable are set forth in the tables below.

Proposal 1:Proposal to elect members to the Company’s Board of Directors (the “Board”).

The Company’s shareholders elected each of the Company’s nominees for director to serve a term of one year to expire at the next annual meeting of shareholders or until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified, as set forth below:

Name Votes For Votes Withheld Broker Non-Votes
Jonathan Read 70,897,827 14,198,735 125,567,302
Gary Smith 74,644,142 10,452,423 125,567,299

Proposal 2: Proposal to change the Company’s name to “TeraForge Ventures Inc.”

The Company’s shareholders ratified the change of the Company’s name as set forth below:

Votes For Votes Against Abstain Broker Non-Votes
204,035,876 5,791,461 836,519

Proposal 4: Proposal to ratify the sale of the Company’s subsidiary, Timefire LLC.

The Company’s shareholders ratified the sale of Timefire LLC as set forth below:

Votes For Votes Against Abstain Broker Non-Votes
72,380,688 9,518,613 3,197,264 125,567,299

Proposal 5: Proposal to approve the Company’s named executive officer compensation.

The Company’s shareholders approved the Company’s named executive officer compensation, as set forth below:

Votes For Votes Against Abstain Broker Non-Votes
59,475,566 25,276,825 344,174 125,567,299

Proposal 6: Proposal to vote, on a non-binding advisory basis, whether a non-binding advisory vote on the Company’s named executive officer compensation should be held every one, two or three years.

The Company’s shareholders voted to hold a non-binding advisory vote on named executive compensation every three yearsas set forth below:

1 year 2 years 3 years Abstain Broker Non-Votes
15,774,301 9,061,467 58,276,651 1,984,146 125,567,299

On the basis of the above votes at the Annual Meeting, proposals 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 were adopted. As disclosed in the Company’s Definitive Additional Materials filed on November 29, 2018, the Company adjourned the Annual Meeting until December 6, 2018, to hold a vote on proposal 3.

About TimefireVR Inc. (OTCMKTS:TFVR)

TimefireVR Inc., formerly EnergyTek Corp., is a software company. The Company’s primary line of business is within the virtual reality industry. The Company is a game development studio, which offers virtual reality platform to a world of entertainment, social media, commerce, cultural immersion, and entertainment for interactive experiential learning. The Company is engaged in creating its primary product, Hypatia. Hypatia, the Company’s virtual reality global city in development for over two years, combines entertainment, social media, cultural immersion, and gaming acting as a framework for cultural exploration. The Company focuses on creating an immersive space in the field of arts, education and social interaction designed to offer an approach to learning that is accessible to all the people. Its virtual reality platform enables users to chat through text or audio with friends and family, and shop, watch videos, concerts and plays.