Thunder Energies Corporation (OTCMKTS:TNRG) Files An 8-K Other EventsItem 8.01 Other Events
Recently, Thunder Energies Corporation (the “Company”) principals requested that the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) change the Standard Industry Code (“SIC”) for the Company in the SEC’s EDGAR system and for the Company’s future public filings with the SEC. The Company requested that its SIC Code be changed from “6770 Blank Checks” to “3559 Special Industry Machinery NEC.” On September 10, 2018 the Company was notified by the SEC that its request had been granted and that its SIC Code would be changed to “3559” upon its next public filing with the SEC. Accordingly, with this SIC Code change, the Company will no longer be considered a “blank check” entity in the SEC’s EDGAR system.
About Thunder Energies Corporation (OTCMKTS:TNRG)
Thunder Energies Corporation (TEC), formerly Thunder Fusion Corporation, is a development-stage company. The Company is focused on the development of a clean combustion of fossil fuels (oil, diesel and coal, among others) with controlled minimal contaminants in the exhaust. Its business objective is achieved via forms of processing fossil fuels, new additives to the combustion and the assistance of a high voltage electric discharges that burn combustible contaminants in fossil fuel exhaust while providing added on clean energy. The Company is a developer of technologies that are being brought to market by three divisions: Division of Optical Instruments (TEC-DOI); Division of Nuclear Instruments (TEC-DNI), and Division of Fuel Combustion (TEC-DFC). TEC-division of equipment (DOE) is engaged in the production and sale of pairs of Galileo and Santilli telescopes with approximately 70 millimeters (mm), over 100 mm and approximately 150 mm.