February11, 2019, Lima, Peru.
Southern Copper Corporation (“SCC” or the “Company”) announced today that as a result of unprecedented rainfall in the southern region of the country, the Peruvian Government declared a state of emergency in the localities of Tacna, Moquegua and Arequipa, Peru on February8, 2019. The heavy rains caused several massive landslides engulfing structures in their path and causing serious damage to the areas. One of the landslides occurred near the Company´s Quebrada Honda tailings dam in Toquepala resulting in the disappearance of a Company employee. SCC is making every effort to locate the employee and provide relief and support to the family.
The Company has implemented its emergency response plan and as a precautionary measure, temporarily stopped production at the Cuajone and Toquepala operations until February11, 2019. SCC has followed procedures to ensure the integrity of the Quebrada Honda tailings dam and is confident that no tailing spills have occurred. The Peruvian Environmental Agency (Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización Ambiental-OEFA) is currently assessing the events arising from the forces of nature with the Company´s full cooperation. Additionally, SCC is supplying heavy machinery, drinking water and other supplies to regional governments and local municipalities in the most affected areas. The southern region of Peru has suffered thehighest levels of rainfall in last two decades.
Southern Copper Corporation is an integrated copper producer. It produces copper, molybdenum, zinc and silver. It operates through three segments: Peruvian operations, which include the Toquepala and Cuajone mine complexes and the smelting and refining plants, including a metals plant industrial railroad and port facilities that service both mines; Mexican open-pit operations, which include the La Caridad and Buenavista mine complexes and the smelting and refining plants, including a metals plant and a copper rod plant and support facilities that service both mines, and Mexican underground mining operations, which include over five underground mines that produce zinc, copper, silver and gold, a coal mine that produces coal and coke, and a zinc refinery. The Company’s operations include copper smelting, copper refining, copper rod production, solvent extraction/electrowinning, zinc refining, sulfuric acid production, molybdenum concentrate production, and silver and gold refining.