Q BioMed Inc. (OTCMKTS:QBIO) Files An 8-K Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
Item 1.01
About Q BioMed Inc. (OTCMKTS:QBIO)
Q BioMed, Inc., formerly ISMO Tech Solutions, Inc., is a biomedical acceleration and development company. The Company is focused on licensing, acquiring and providing strategic resources to life sciences and healthcare companies. The Company intends to acquire multiple assets over time and across a spectrum of healthcare related products, companies and sectors. The Company intends to develop these assets to provide returns through organic growth, out-licensing, sale or spin-off into new public companies. The Company holds license for a generic drug, Strontium Chloride (SR89). SR89 is a radiopharmaceutical agent and indicated for the treatment of pain associated with metastatic bone cancer. Its asset, MAN-01, is indicated for the treatment of glaucoma. MAN-01 is in pre-clinical stage. The Company is assessing multiple biomedical assets in various areas of healthcare and drug development. It is pursuing a pipeline of therapeutics, diagnostics and orphan drug candidates.