PPL Corporation (NYSE:PPL) Files An 8-K Regulation FD Disclosure
Item 7.01. Regulation FD Disclosure
On December 18, 2018, U.K. utility regulator Ofgem issued a consultation related to its RIIO-2 price controls that will run from 2021 to 2026 for gas distribution, gas transmission and electricity transmission operators, seeking input from a wide variety of stakeholders. The document released today is a proposal for consideration and comment.
The consultation document does not apply to electricity distribution network operators (“DNOs”), including PPL Corporation’s (“PPL”) Western Power Distribution (“WPD”) networks in the U.K., and does not have any impact on PPL’s current business plans or WPD operations.
A full consultation related to DNOs will begin in 2020, with new rates for DNOs not taking effect until April 2023. PPL and WPD will continue to provide input and engage with Ofgem throughout the consultation process to arrive at the best outcomes for all stakeholders.
About PPL Corporation (NYSE:PPL)
PPL Corporation (PPL) is a utility holding company. Through its subsidiaries, PPL delivers electricity to customers in the United Kingdom, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee; delivers natural gas to customers in Kentucky, and generates electricity from power plants in Kentucky. It operates through three segments: U.K. Regulated Segment, Kentucky Regulated Segment and Pennsylvania Regulated Segment. The U.K. Regulated Segment comprises PPL Global, which includes PPL WPD Limited and its subsidiaries’ regulated electricity distribution operations, among others. The Kentucky Regulated segment consists of the operations of LG&E and KU Energy LLC, a subsidiary of PPL, which owns and operates regulated public utilities engaged in the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity and distribution and sale of natural gas. The Pennsylvania Regulated segment consists of the operations of PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, which distributes and transmits electricity.