OCEANFIRST FINANCIAL CORP. (NASDAQ:OCFC) Files An 8-K Results of Operations and Financial Condition
ITEM 2.02
EX-3.2 2 exhibit32bylaws.htm EXHIBIT 3.2 Exhibit Exhibit 3.2OceanFirst Financial Corp.AMENDED AND RESTATED BYLAWSARTICLE I ‑ STOCKHOLDERSSection 1. Annual Meeting.An annual meeting of the stockholders,…
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OceanFirst Financial Corp. is a holding company for OceanFirst Bank (the Bank). The Company is a savings and loan holding company. The Bank’s principal business is attracting retail and business deposits in the communities surrounding its branch offices and investing those deposits primarily in loans, consisting of single-family, owner-occupied residential mortgage loans, and commercial real estate and other commercial loans. The Bank also invests in other types of loans, including residential construction and consumer loans. In addition, the Bank invests in mortgage-backed securities (MBS), securities issued by the United States Government and agencies thereof, corporate securities and other investments permitted by applicable law and regulations. The Bank’s revenues are derived principally from interest on its loans, interest on its investment and MBS. The Bank also receives income from fees and service charges on loan and deposit products, wealth management services and others.