LIBERTY TRIPADVISOR HOLDINGS, INC. (NASDAQ:LTRPA) Files An 8-K Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
Item 5.07. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
At Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings, Inc.’s (the “Company”) annual meeting of stockholders held on May 23, 2019, the following proposals were considered and acted upon by the stockholders of the Company: (1) a proposal to elect Larry E. Romrell and J. David Wargo to continue serving as Class I members of the Company’s board of directors until the 2022 annual meeting of stockholders or their earlier resignation or removal; (2) a proposal to ratify the selection of KPMG LLP as the Company’s independent auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019 (the “auditors ratification proposal”); and (3) a proposal to adopt the Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings, Inc. 2019 Omnibus Incentive Plan (the “incentive plan proposal”). The number of votes cast for, against or withheld, as well as the number of abstentions and broker non-votes as to each proposal are set forth below.
1. Election of the following Nominees to the Company’s Board of Directors
Accordingly, the foregoing nominees were re-elected to the Company’s board of directors.
2. The Auditors Ratification Proposal
Accordingly, the auditors ratification proposal was approved.
3. The Incentive Plan Proposal
Accordingly, the incentive plan proposal was approved.