Lakeland Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ:LAKE) Files An 8-K Results of Operations and Financial Condition
Item 2.02
Lakeland Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ:LAKE) Files An 8-K Results of Operations and Financial Condition
Item 2.02
About Lakeland Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ:LAKE)
Lakeland Industries, Inc. (Lakeland) manufactures and sells a line of safety garments and accessories for the industrial and public protective clothing market. The Company’s product categories include limited use/disposable protective clothing; high-end chemical protective suits; firefighting, flame resistant personal protective equipment (FR PPE) and heat protective apparel; reusable woven garments; high visibility clothing, and glove and sleeves. The Company’s products are sold by its in-house customer service group, its regional sales managers and independent sales representatives to a network of over 1,200 North American safety and mill supply distributors. These distributors in turn supply end user industrial customers, such as integrated oil, chemical/petrochemical, utilities, automobile, steel, glass, construction, smelting, munition plants, janitorial, pharmaceutical, mortuaries and high technology electronics manufacturers, as well as scientific and medical laboratories.