Hi-Crush Partners LP (NYSE:HCLP) Files An 8-K Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
ITEM 5.02.
About Hi-Crush Partners LP (NYSE:HCLP)
Hi-Crush Partners LP is a producer and supplier of monocrystalline sand. The Company is a limited partnership formed to acquire selected sand reserves and related processing and transportation facilities of Hi-Crush Proppants LLC. It operates in Frac Sand Sales segment. Its reserves consist of northern white sand, a resource in Wisconsin and limited portions of the upper Midwest region of the United States. It owns, operates and develops sand reserves, and related excavation and processing facilities. Its 857-acre facility with rail infrastructure, located in Wyeville, Wisconsin (the Wyeville facility) contains approximately 82.1 million tons of proven recoverable reserves of frac sand meeting American Petroleum Institute (API) specifications. It also holds approximately 98% interest in Augusta facility, which is located in Eau Claire County, Wisconsin and contains over 40.9 million tons of proven recoverable reserves of frac sand meeting API specifications.