Gevo, Inc. (NASDAQ:GEVO) Files An 8-K Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


Gevo, Inc. (NASDAQ:GEVO) Files An 8-K Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security

On June15, 2017, Gevo, Inc. (the Company) held the 2017 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders (the Annual Meeting) in Englewood,
Colorado. At the Annual Meeting, the Companys stockholders voted
on, and approved, the following proposals:

Proposal No.1 Election of two ClassI directors to hold office
until the 2020 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, and until their
respective successors have been duly elected and qualified.


For Withhold Broker Non-Votes

Ruth I. Dreessen

2,165,410 263,033 6,271,024

Patrick R. Gruber

2,058,975 369,468 6,271,024

Proposal No.2 Approval, for purposes of the rules of The NASDAQ
Stock Market LLC, the potential issuance of more than 19.99% of
the Companys outstanding common stock upon conversion of, or
related to, the Companys 12.0% Convertible Senior Secured Notes
due 2020.







295,699 16,981 6,271,024

Proposal No.3 Ratification of the appointment of Grant Thornton
LLP as the Companys independent registered public accounting firm
for the fiscal year ending December31, 2017.





502,859 127,686

Proposal No.4 Advisory (non-binding) vote to approve the
compensation of the Companys named executive officers.







521,789 26,318 6,271,024

Proposal No.5 Advisory (non-binding) vote on the frequency of
future advisory votes to approve the compensation of the Companys
named executive officers.

One Year

Two Years

Three Years





1,599,255 46,029 79,464 6,271,024

As indicated above, a significant majority of stockholders voted,
on an advisory basis, in favor of holding future advisory votes
to approve the compensation of the Companys named executive
officers every two years. In light of these results, the Board of
Directors of the Company (the Board) has determined to hold an
advisory vote to approve the compensation of the Companys named
executive officers every two years until the next required
advisory vote on the frequency of future votes on named executive
officer compensation or until the Board otherwise determines that
a different frequency for such advisory votes is in the best
interests of the stockholders of the Company.

About Gevo, Inc. (NASDAQ:GEVO)

Gevo, Inc. (Gevo) is a renewable chemicals and next generation biofuels company. The Company has developed a technology that uses a combination of synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, chemistry and chemical engineering to focus primarily on the production of isobutanol, as well as related products from renewable feedstock. It has two operating segments: the Gevo, Inc. segment and the Gevo Development/Agri-Energy segment. Its Gevo, Inc. segment is responsible for research and development activities related to the future production of isobutanol, including the development of its biocatalysts, the production and sale of biojet fuel, its Retrofit process and the next generation of chemicals and biofuels that will be based on its isobutanol technology. Its Gevo Development/Agri-Energy segment is responsible for the operation of its Agri-Energy Facility and the production of ethanol, isobutanol and related products.