GCP APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES INC. (NYSE:GCP) Files An 8-K Results of Operations and Financial Condition
Item 2.02. Results of Operations and Financial Condition.
EX-99.1 2 a2018q48-kexhibit991.htm EXHIBIT 99.1 Exhibit GCP Applied Technologies Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2018 Results •4Q18 Net sales down 4.6%; Net Sales,…
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GCP Applied Technologies Inc. (GCP) is engaged in the production and sale of specialty construction chemicals, specialty building materials, and packaging sealants and coatings. The Company operates through three segments: Specialty Construction Chemicals (SCC), Specialty Building Materials (SBM) and Darex Packaging Technologies (Darex). The SCC segment manufactures and markets products to manage the performance of Portland cement, and materials based on Portland cement, such as concrete admixtures and cement additives, as well as concrete production management systems. The SBM segment manufactures and markets building envelope products, residential building products and specialty construction products. The Darex segment manufactures and markets sealants and coatings for use in beverage and food containers, and other consumer and industrial applications. Its brands include ADVA, CBA, SYNCHRO, HEA2, TDA, STRUX, MIRA, ADPRUFE, HYDRODUCT, ADCOR, DARABLEND and APPERTA.