EMPIRE RESORTS, INC. (NASDAQ:NYNY) Files An 8-K Non-Reliance on Previously Issued Financial Statements or a Related Audit Report or Completed Interim Review
Item 4.02. Non-Reliance on Previously Issued Financial Statements or a Related Audit Report or Completed Interim Review.
Empire Resorts, Inc. is a holding company for various subsidiaries engaged in the hospitality and gaming industries. The Company, through Monticello Raceway Management, Inc. (MRMI), owns and operates Monticello Casino and Raceway, which is an approximately 40,000 square foot video gaming machine (VGM) and harness horseracing facility located in Monticello, New York, over 90 miles northwest of New York City. Monticello Casino and Raceway operates over 1,110 VGMs, which include approximately 1,070 video lottery terminals (VLTs) and over 40 electronic table game positions (ETGs). It is also engaged in pari-mutuel wagering on the running of live harness horse races, the import simulcasting of harness and thoroughbred horse races from racetracks across the country and internationally, and the export simulcasting of its races to offsite pari-mutuel wagering facilities. The Company, through Montreign Operating Company, LLC, holds a license to operate a resort casino.