Cooper Tire & Rubber Company (NYSE:CTB) Files An 8-K Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
Item 5.07 Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.
Cooper Tire & Rubber Company (NYSE:CTB) Files An 8-K Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
Cooper Tire & Rubber Company (Cooper) is a manufacturer and marketer of replacement tires. The Company specializes in the design, manufacture, marketing and sales of passenger car and light truck tires. Cooper and its subsidiaries sell medium truck, motorcycle and racing tires. It has four business segments: North America, composed of its operations in the United States and Canada; Latin America, composed of its operations in Mexico, Central America and South America; Europe, and Asia. The North America and Latin America segments are presented as the Americas Tire Operations segment. The results of the combined Asia and Europe segments are presented as International Tire Operations segment. Cooper and its family of companies operate approximately eight manufacturing facilities and over 20 distribution centers in over 10 countries. Its Americas Tire Operations segment manufactures and markets passenger car and light truck tires, for sale in the United States replacement market.