Conn’s, Inc. (NASDAQ:CONN) Files An 8-K Results of Operations and Financial Condition
Item 2.02. Results of Operations and Financial Condition.
release reporting its first>quarter fiscal 2018>financial
results. A copy of the press release is furnished herewith as
Exhibit 99.1 and is incorporated herein by reference.
this Form 8-K shall be deemed to be “filed” for the purposes of
Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and
none of it shall be incorporated by reference in any filing under
the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Furthermore, this report
will not be deemed an admission as to the materiality of any
information in the report that is required to be disclosed solely
by Regulation FD.
Press Release of Conn’s, Inc. dated June 6, 2017.
About Conn’s, Inc. (NASDAQ:CONN)
Conn’s, Inc. is a specialty retailer that offers a selection of consumer goods and related services in addition to a credit solution for its core credit constrained consumers. The Company operates through two segments: retail and credit. The Retail segment includes product categories, such as furniture and mattress, including furniture and related accessories for the living room, dining room and bedroom; home appliance, including refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, dishwashers and ranges; Consumer electronics, including liquid-crystal-display (LED), organic LED (OLED), Ultra high definition (HD) and Internet-ready televisions, and home office, including computers, printers and accessories. Its credit segment provides short- and medium-term financing for its retail customers. Its credit offering provides financing solutions to credit constrained consumers having limited banking options. The Company operates its business through its retail stores and Website.