CENTENE CORPORATION (NYSE:CNC) Files An 8-K Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
Item 1.01.
EX-2.1 2 d612092dex21.htm EX-2.1 EX-2.1 Exhibit 2.1 Execution Version AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER by and among CENTENE CORPORATION,…
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Centene Corporation is a diversified healthcare company that provides programs and services to government sponsored healthcare programs. The Company also provides education and outreach programs to inform and assist members in accessing appropriate healthcare services. The Company operates through two segments. The Managed Care segment provides health plan coverage to individuals, through government subsidized programs, including Medicaid, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Long Term Care (LTC), Foster Care, dual-eligible individuals (Duals) and the Supplemental Security Income Program, also known as the Aged, Blind or Disabled Program (ABD). The Specialty Services segment consists of its specialty companies offering a range of healthcare services and products to state programs, correctional facilities, healthcare organizations, employer groups and other commercial organizations.