Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is facing a problem in China following a series of rising complaints from users claiming that their iPhone 6 and 6S devices are randomly shutting down.
The problem has become so big that a Chinese organization known as China Consumers Association (CCA) has requested the iPhone manufacturer to fix the problem. According to Reuters, a lot of people have been affected by the flaw. According to reports, some of the devices have been shutting down despite having an ample amount of charge. There are also claims that some iPhones have failed to turn on again and charging them does not seem to help. It has however been reported that the devices turn back on when plugged into a computer.
“In view that Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s series cell phones in China have a considerable number of users, and the number of people who’ve reported this problem is rather many, China Consumer Association has already made a query with Apple,” wrote CCA on its website.
The reports also indicate that the iPhones have been going off involuntarily even while in cold temperatures or in room temperature, meaning it is not an overheating problem. The Chinese organization has requested Apple to investigate the matter. The company is yet to make any statement on the matter and has also not responded to requests for comments. It is also not clear whether the iPhone 6 flaw has been affecting users from other countries other than China.
The issue is quite a sensitive matter for the company because China is one of its biggest markets. The country has a huge population and a lot of people use iPhones meaning the chances of more people being affected is high. This is why the CCA has called upon the company to do something about the situation.
It is not clear whether the problem will lead to recalls. Apple risks going through what its rival Samsung went through in September when it recalled its Samsung Galaxy Note 7 due to faulty batteries.
Apple stock closed the latest trading session at $109.99.