Alphabet Inc’s (NASDAQ:GOOGL) YouTube has quietly added a feature whereby one can loop videos without having to use external software. YouTube has never had the auto-repeat option for a video for those who want to watch a video more than once. That means that one has had to use third-party software for the video to be looped automatically.
With the new feature that YouTube has introduced, all users have to do now is right-click inside the video where a menu appears where the loop option is available. Once users opt for the loop option the video can keep playing. Web developer Henry Lim was the first to spot the feature.
This is good news for YouTube users since this feature has been sought after for a long time. A user can loop not only a single track but a whole album just the same way he would do it on any other music streaming platform.
Music has remained a major draw on YouTube, especially with Adele’s Hello topping 1 billion views last week. Music videos dominate the viewership numbers. Last year, the top music videos reaped in more than 66 million subscribers. The loop feature may even affect preferences in choosing which type of music to listen to.
The loop option, however, is not yet available on the mobile version of YouTube. It has been made available only on desktop versions. It has not been disclosed when the loop function will be available on mobile platforms.