DANAHER CORPORATION (NYSE:DHR) Files An 8-K Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


DANAHER CORPORATION (NYSE:DHR) Files An 8-K Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

The Company’s annual meeting of shareholders was held on May 7, 2019. At the annual meeting, the Company’s shareholders voted on the following proposals:
1. To elect the eleven directors named in the Company’s proxy statement to terms expiring in 2020. Each nominee for director was elected by a vote of the shareholders as follows:
2. To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2019. The proposal was approved by a vote of shareholders as follows:
3. To approve on an advisory basis the Company’s named executive officer compensation. The proposal was approved by a vote of shareholders as follows:
4. To act upon a shareholder proposal requesting requesting adoption of a policy requiring an independent Board Chair whenever possible. The proposal was rejected by a vote of shareholders as follows:


Danaher Corporation designs, manufactures and markets professional, medical, industrial and commercial products and services. The Company operates in five segments: Test & Measurement; Environmental; Life Sciences & Diagnostics; Dental, and Industrial Technologies. Its Test & Measurement segment offers products, software and services. Its Environmental segment products and services help protect the water supply, enhance the safety of personal data and improve business efficiencies. In the Life Sciences & Diagnostics segment, its diagnostics business offers analytical instruments, reagents, consumables, software and services. Its life sciences business offers research tools. Its Dental segment provides products that are used to diagnose, treat and prevent disease and ailments of the teeth, gums and supporting bone. Its Industrial Technologies segment solutions help protect the world’s food supply, improve packaging design and quality, and verify pharmaceutical dosages.