Rowan Companies plc (NYSE:RDC) Files An 8-K Financial Statements and ExhibitsItem 9.01
Financial Statements and Exhibits.
Rowan Companies plc (NYSE:RDC) Files An 8-K Financial Statements and ExhibitsItem 9.01
Financial Statements and Exhibits.
ROWAN COMPANIES PLC ExhibitEX-99.1 2 rdc-2018033110qexhibit991.htm EXHIBIT 99.1 Exhibit Exhibit 99.1Note: The information contained in this Exhibit 99.1 has been updated for the changes to the condensed consolidating financial information presented in Note 12 “Guarantees of Registered Securities” to the financial statements as a result of changes to the corporate ownership structure that occurred in the second quarter of 2018 (the “2018 Internal Reorganization”). Additionally,…To view the full exhibit click here
About Rowan Companies plc (NYSE:RDC)
Rowan Companies plc is a provider of offshore contract drilling services to the international oil and gas industry. The Company operates through two segments: deepwater and jack-ups. Its deepwater segment consists of drillship operations. Its fleet consists of approximately 30 mobile offshore drilling units, including self-elevating jack-up rigs and ultra-deepwater drillships. Its drilling fleet consists of approximately four ultra-deepwater drillships; 20 high-specification cantilever jack-up rigs, including three N-Class rigs, four EXL class rigs, three 240C class rigs, four enhanced Super Gorilla class rigs, one Gorilla class rig, and four Tarzan Class rigs, and eight cantilever jack-up rigs, including two Gorilla class rigs and six 116-C class rigs. The Company’s fleet operates across the world, including the United States Gulf of Mexico, the United Kingdom and Norwegian sectors of the North Sea, the Middle East and Trinidad.