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UNICEF France To Accept Cryptocurrency Donations

UNICEF France To Accept Cryptocurrency DonationsUNICEF France To Accept Cryptocurrency Donations

UNICEF offices at France announced it would be accepting charity work donations in cryptocurrency. The office will operate under any of nine cryptocurrencies namely, dash, monero, EOS, stellar, bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, ripple and bitcoin cash. The decision comes after launching a number of crypto-related projects across the globe, key among them being a crypto mining initiative to help young refugees.

The organization is making use of a javascript software created by Cognitive. Installing the software in browsers enables crypto donors to donate their processing powers for mining cryptocurrency. The software is thereafter used for mining Monero (XMR). The cryptocurrency is directed towards charity initiatives like provision of safe water to children, vaccinations and drugs as well as relief food donations.

Leveraging Humanitarian Crises With Existing Technology

Director of UNICEF France, Sebastian Lyons claims the fintech industry could open up towards better public appeal and generosity. The Humanitarian and developmental agency poises to help children all over the world. Asia and Africa are however its main target given the poverty levels in most developing states on both continents.

The founder of the Humanitarian Startup, Julio Alejandro, claims the possibility of solving non-traditional problems through information technology and activism.

Ethereum Donor Computational Power

While the ongoing civil war in Syria continued to devastate children, UNICEF launched the Mining for Ethereum using donor computational power.

Jennifer Tierney, the director of UNICEF Australia, weighed on the importance of emerging technology for raising crisis awareness. The organization gave an estimate of about 1,700 individuals who are donating their computational power via its website.

Apart from UNICEF, a number of other humanitarian efforts are underway to utilize blockchain led by Charity organizations including Bitgive, Code to Inspire, water project, Antiwar, and Wikileaks. The above initiatives were initially launched as a way of accepting cryptos to raise funds.

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