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THEDIRECTORY.COM, INC. (OTCMKTS:SEEK) Files An 8-K Regulation FD Disclosure

THEDIRECTORY.COM, INC. (OTCMKTS:SEEK) Files An 8-K Regulation FD DisclosureITEM 7.01


On April 10, 2018, one of the Company’s debt holder’s, KBM Worldwide, converted its final $50,904.88 of debt into 565,609,778 shares of the Companies stock. The debt holder has now fully converted its debt of $323,205 and all notes between the Company and KBM Worldwide are deemed paid in full and no further shares will be issued to KBM Worldwide.

About THEDIRECTORY.COM, INC. (OTCMKTS:SEEK), Inc. is an online local search company. The Company provides local businesses in the United States and Canada with business listings on its network of online vertical directories and city guides. Additionally, the Company offers its local business customers access to a portfolio of online and offline marketing and identity management products and services. The Company’s focus is to identify and curate local business information so that its users have unlimited, free access to search results to their queries. Additionally, the Company is going through the process of Verifying Local business data. It is verifying name, address and phone (NAP) plus services offered, such as insurances, reviews and licenses, among others.

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