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OMEGA FLEX, INC (NASDAQ:OFLX) Files An 8-K Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

OMEGA FLEX, INC (NASDAQ:OFLX) Files An 8-K Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

Item 5.07. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

On June 7, 2017, the Company held its Annual Meeting of
Shareholders at which two proposals were voted upon: (i) the
election of two class 3 directors for a three year term, and (ii)
ratification of the appointment of independent auditors. The
following persons were duly elected to serve, subject to the
Companys by-laws, as directors of the Company for a three year
term expiring at the 2020 annual shareholders meeting, or until
election and qualification of their successors:

Director Mark F. Albino Kevin R. Hoben
Votes in Favor 9,402,362 9,439,370
Votes Withheld 60,078 23,070
Broker Non-Votes 470,900 470,900

The proposal to ratify the appointment by the Audit Committee of
the Board of Directors of RSM US, LLC to audit the Companys
financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2017 was
ratified by the shareholders:

For 9,928,111
Against 2,915
Abstain 2,314

Item 9.01. Financial Statement and Exhibits

(a) none

(b) none

(c) none

(d) none

Omega Flex, Inc. is a manufacturer of flexible metal hose, which is used in a range of applications to carry gases and liquids within their particular applications. The Company operates in the segment of manufacture and sale of flexible metal hose and accessories. The Company’s products are concentrated in residential and commercial construction, and general industrial markets. The Company’s primary product, flexible gas piping, is used for gas piping within residential and commercial buildings. The Company’s TracPipe and TracPipe CounterStrike flexible gas piping, along with its fittings are distributed under the trademarks AutoSnap and AutoFlare. The Company’s products are manufactured at its Exton, Pennsylvania facilities in the United States, and in Banbury, Oxfordshire in the United Kingdom. Its CounterStrike is resistant to damage from transient electrical arcing. Its DoubleTrac is a double containment piping product.

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