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Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) Developers Are Working On Integrating Hand Motion Into VR

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) is going deeper into virtual reality (VR) development by incorporating hand motion through motion tracking.

A team of researchers from the company’s computer vision team are working on new advancements in VR to feature precise hand tracking. The developers have come up with a system that allows smooth tracking of hand movement with speed and a high degree of accuracy. The aim of the project is to incorporate this technology into consumer-ready technology, specifically VR related tech. This means that hand motion will appear more seamless in the future allowing for a more natural feel in VR.

This technology aims to eliminate the current need for motion-tracked controllers which are currently used in the VR sets that are in the market, such as the Oculus Rift from Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB). Microsoft researchers are using sensors similar to those used in the Xbox Kinect. These sensors were initially designed for gaming but over the years they have become very vital components for research.

Developers can track exact hand and finger movement using these sensors. The research is vital for the creation of future software interfaces such as those showcased in films. According to an abstract from the project, the research aims to pave way for new interactions with virtual technology and augmented technology. It also seeks to overcome the barriers presented by the limited efficiency and accuracy of the current systems. The developers also want to take advantage of machine learning technology among other available tools and modern tech to make the most out of their research.

The development is exciting news for the VR industry which is currently still in its infancy and promises rapid improvements in the future. This could mean that VR is headed in the right direction, and more developments should arise in the future. Enhancements in VR also mean a great deal for numerous other industries such as gaming and the general entertainment industry.

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