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Insider Trading Activity Real Goods Solar, Inc. (NASDAQ:RGSE) – CEO Bought 10,000 shares of Stock

Insider Trading Activity For Real Goods Solar, Inc. (NASDAQ:RGSE)

Dennis J Lacey , CEO of Real Goods Solar, Inc. (NASDAQ:RGSE) reportedly Bought 10,000 shares of the company’s stock at an average price of 0.93 for a total transaction amount of $9,300.00 SEC Form

Insider Trading History For Real Goods Solar, Inc. (NASDAQ:RGSE)

  • On 4/23/2013 Gaiam, Inc, Director, bought 62,111 with an average share price of $1.61 per share and the total transaction amounting to $99,998.71.
  • On 5/28/2013 Gaiam, Inc, Director, sold 5,994,500 with an average share price of $2.75 per share and the total transaction amounting to $16,484,875.00.
  • On 8/16/2013 Steven B Kaufman, Director, bought 6,188 with an average share price of $2.03 per share and the total transaction amounting to $12,561.64.
  • On 9/13/2013 Gaiam, Inc, Major Shareholder, sold 1,000,000 with an average share price of $2.00 per share and the total transaction amounting to $2,000,000.00.
  • On 6/25/2015 David L Belluck, Director, bought 915,000 with an average share price of $3.29 per share and the total transaction amounting to $3,010,350.00.
  • On 7/15/2015 David L Belluck, Director, bought 378,156 with an average share price of $3.29 per share and the total transaction amounting to $1,244,133.24.
  • On 3/17/2017 Robert Lee Scott, Director, sold 10 with an average share price of $1.33 per share and the total transaction amounting to $13.30.
  • Recent Trading Activity for Real Goods Solar, Inc. (NASDAQ:RGSE)
    Shares of Real Goods Solar, Inc. closed the previous trading session at with 69163 shares trading hands.

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