ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS INC. (NYSE:ITW) Files An 8-K Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
Item 5.02
Illinois Tool Works Inc. (ITW) is a manufacturer of a range of industrial products and equipment. The Company operates through seven segments: Automotive OEM, Test & Measurement and Electronics, Food Equipment, Polymers & Fluids, Welding, Construction Products and Specialty Products. It produces components and fasteners for automotive-related applications; equipment, consumables and related software for testing and measuring of materials and structures, and equipment and consumables used in the production of electronic subassemblies and microelectronics; adhesives, sealants, lubrication and cutting fluids, and fluids and polymers for auto aftermarket maintenance and appearance; arc welding equipment, consumables and accessories for a range of industrial and commercial applications, and beverage packaging equipment and consumables, product coding and marking equipment, and consumables, and appliance components and fasteners. It has over 80 divisions in approximately 60 countries.