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Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) Reveals Its First 360 Degree Video

Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) has revealed the first 360-degree film known as “Here and Now” which was made using the 360-degree camera rig.

The release of the video comes just one month after the release of the camera rig which costs $30,000. The film is just 3 minutes long and was done in a single take at the New York Grand Central Station.

The video clip gives the viewer the feeling that they are present in the actual location where the video was taken rather than just watching a video. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg posted the 360 video on the company’s social media site, and the release might be the first hint of more to be expected from virtual reality firms.

More to be expected in VR

The video is a testimony of the capability of the format and its potential in the future. The video can be viewed using a VR headset and it is best advised to use a phone rather than watching from a PC. This is because watching via mobile allows the user to leverage more features such as swinging the view by tilting the handset. Regardless of the viewing method, the video will motivate VR fans to start creating VR oriented Rigs. This means more VR content will start flooding in thus allowing users to enjoy more of their VR headsets.

The VR industry is still in the early stages of growth, and VR videos are currently limited. There is much room for improvement in the VR industry, and the quality of VR videos is expected to assume an upward curve once competition rises in intensity.

The same applies for the VR headsets in the industry. It is currently characterized by a few headsets from various companies, and more firms are expected to get into the game.

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