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Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB), Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) Claim No Gender Bias on Salaries

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) and Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) announced on Monday that there is no difference in the salaries they pay to their male workers and those paid to female workers.

According to Microsoft’s executive president of human resources, Kathleen Hogan, Women in the US currently earn 99.8 cents for every dollar that their male counterparts at the same job level earn. However, Microsoft pays the same salaries to those at the same levels according to Hogan. Lori Matloff Goler, Vice President of Facebook also announced that her company also upholds equality in salaries for both genders.

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Microsoft also stated that it will remain committed to equality in the work place and it believes that the move will promote more inclusion and diversity among the workers. The announcement was made just one day before Equal Pay Day. Companies have been pressured on the matter and last year, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) made the announcement that its female employees are paid as much as male employees. Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC) and, inc. (NYSE:CRM) also claim equality in pay.

There has also been an improvement in the earnings between ethnic groups. According to a report on the matter, members of different ethnic groups earn $1.004 for every $1 that Caucasians in similar job positions. African American employees receive $1.003 while Asian employees receive two cents more at $1.006.  Hispanic employees are on the lower end at 99.9 cents.

The numbers indicate the commitment and effort that firms in the US have been engaging in to foster more equality in salaries. Roughly half a year ago, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella announced that the firm was planning to diversify its talent as part of its efforts.

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