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Facebook, Inc (NASDAQ:FB) To Help Users Manage Identities With Facial Recognition Feature

Facebook, Inc (NASDAQ:FB) has introduced a new facial recognition feature which will have the capacity to identify the various photos of users being shares in the social network.

In a bid to create more appeal to its users, the company has been keen on making a lot of new changes to make its diverse platform more exciting. If you have many friends on the platform for example that are fond of taking many photos and they tag you every time they post them though, it can at times get quite annoying. There are other problems though, one being where one’s photos are shared in ways they don’t like.

The new Photo Review feature will be addressing a wide range of issues of this nature. The director of applied machine learning for Facebook, Joaquin Quiñonero Candela has outlined that they will always notify you whenever you are in a photo and part of the audience for that particular post. They will be doing that even in those instances when you are not tagged.

He said that Facebook was committed to empowering all its users in terms of making the most desirable choices for themselves. All users will have the freedom to tag or leaves themselves untagged. The platform also provides for a way to reach out to the particular person that tagged you in the photo just in case you have concerns.

An official working with the company opined, “To be clear, though, you won’t necessarily be notified of every photo on Facebook that has your face in it. We always respect the privacy setting people select when posting a photo on Facebook (whether that’s friends, public or a custom audience), so you won’t receive a notification if you’re not in the audience.”

To put it more clearly, there are chances that your image might be posted somewhere on Facebook without your knowledge, and the company is trying to mitigate the negative consequences of this.

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